iD Studio Architects

Addressing the built environment …

Privacy Notice and GDPR

Privacy Notice and GDPR - Using your personal information
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies from 25 May 2018.
Within the framework of GDPR, we store Personal information (data) on a project-related basis, and only for the duration of a project, including the statutory 10-year cover period following Practical Completion.
We do not share these data with others outside our office, or any other third party, except where explicitly agreed by you. If you sign a planning application or other administrative document, your signature is considered to be such an explicit agreement.


Clients provide data and information only within the framework of a project, and these data remains within the project records for the period described above.
By entrusting a mission to us, clients are explicitly providing the data necessary for us to carry out that mission, and that for the duration of the mission.
In this context, data usually will mean -
• names
• postal address
• phone numbers
• email addresses
• identity card information
iD card number
Belgian national number
Date of birth
Marital status
• Financial information : such as
project costs,
own capital
bank loans,
If you choose to withhold any of this information, it may limit the scope of what we can achieve in any mission for you.
If you need any further information please write to us at
Vlaanderveldlaan 20, 1560 Hoeilaart

Purpose :
• Making architectural agreement
• Entering a planning application
• Asking for quotes to contractors
• Following the site
• Handing over the building works
• Sending out office information :
NewYear cards
Special events of the office.

We keep the following information and will not share it with others unless mutually agreed :
• names
• postal address
• phone numbers
• email addresses
• identity card information
iD card number
Belgian national number
Date of birth
Marital status
• Financial information : such as
Bank account details
VAT number
• Company details.

We keep the following information and will not share it with others unless mutually agreed :
• Company details.
postal address
phone numbers
email addresses
Bank account details
Invoicing details
VAT number
identity card information

Where, What, Who & How

Where it is stored :
• On the server which is backed up daily and is stored in the office and protected by a burglar alarm.
Backups are held by the partners together with their laptops.
• On the partner’s laptop.

In what format it is stored :
• In excel file per projects
• In excel file all together.
• In excel file for projects with written agreements
• In Apple address software per partner which is stored in iCloud. (For iCloud Security see

Who has access :
• Only the partners have access to all the information.
• The team members for the projects they are working on, but always through the partner.

Who checks the security :
• The partners.

Who informs about any breach of privacy :
• The partners.

How long it is stored :
• For client, per project at least up to the end of the 10-year liability period.
• All other information : indefinite.